10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day
Want to make a huge difference in someone’s life?
According to Inc.com here are things you should say every day to your employees, colleagues, family members, friends, and everyone you care about:
1. Here’s what I’m thinking 
You’re in charge, but that doesn’t mean you’re smarter, savvier, or more insightful than everyone else.
Back up your statements and decisions.
Give reasons.
Justify with logic, not with position or authority.
2. I was wrong
When you’re wrong, say you’re wrong.
You won’t lose respect–you’ll gain it.
3. That was awesome
No-one gets enough praise. No-one.
Pick someone–pick anyone–who does or did something well and say, “Wow, that was great how you…”
The people around you will love you for it–and you’ll like yourself a little better, too.
4. You’re welcome 
Don’t let thanks, congratulations, or praise be all about you.
Make it about the other person, too.
5. Can you help me?
When you need help, regardless of the type of help you need or the person you need it from, just say, sincerely and humbly, “Can you help me?”
6. I’m sorry
We all make mistakes.
Say you’re sorry.
But never follow an apology with a disclaimer like “But I was really mad, because…” or “But I did think you were…” or any statement that in any way places even the smallest amount of blame back on the other person.
7. Can you show me?
Advice is temporary; knowledge is forever.
Knowing what to do helps, but knowing how or why to do it means everything.
8. Let me give you a hand 
Many people see asking for help as a sign of weakness.
So, many people hesitate to ask for help. But everyone needs help.
9. I love you
No, not at work, but everywhere you mean it–and every time you feel it.
10. Nothing
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.
If you’re upset, frustrated, or angry, stay quiet.
You may think venting will make you feel better, but it never does.
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